CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

CCCFLC – 2023 Conference

As you are aware, this year’s conference will be held at the beautiful LA Valley College campus on Saturday, October 21st, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We expect it to be one of our best conferences yet.


Instead of a single keynote speaker, this year we will open with a panel discussion highlighting best practices for asynchronous teaching titled, “The Synchronicity of Teaching Asynchronously.” Included on the panel will be a CCCFLC conference favorite, Solène Alghannam (Mt. SAC), as well as three of our CCCFLC officers, Dana Arazi (Rio Hondo College), Karen Le Cornet (Cypress College) and Adrienne Merlo (Cypress College). If anyone is interested in being on the panel, please let us know!


Something new this year, we will also include a panel of students, during the opening panel as well as a follow-up discussion during the first break-out session. This is very exciting as we have never had this kind of student participation in our conferences before but expect they will provide crucial feedback from a student’s perspective regarding asynchronous versus synchronous teaching.


Lastly, to those who have already submitted a 2023 CCCFLC Presentation Application, we thank you! We hope others will be inspired over the summer so the CCCFLC officers may return in August to review numerous proposals. Please, put us to work! Possible topics include: AI in the classroom (ChatGPT), student retention, improving enrollment, OER, ZTC, etc. – Note, for anyone considering presenting but not yet certain, you may submit a provisional application that may be edited later.