CCIE – California Colleges for International Education


CCIE Invoice 2024-25 Dues

For Information Contact: Dr. Rosalind Latiner Raby:

Benefits of Institutional Membership

Members pay dues that help to pay for consortia related activities.

  1. Ability to vote in all elections and to enjoy other rights and privileges accord to all members;
  2. Access of CCIE Website and inclusion of college / institution in Website;
  3. Access to a collaborative network of community colleges who are devoted to international / intercultural education;
  4. Access to CCIE thematic workshops at reduced rates (TBA);
  5. Access to technical assistance team on global competence and its development on community college campuses;
  6. Eligibility for CCIE faculty and staff grants;
  7. Eligibility for CCIE student scholarships;
  8. Eligibility for officer positions;
  9. Inclusion in CCIE annual reports that documents the individual activities of member colleges and which is shared with colleges and organizations throughout the state and nationally;
  10. Inclusion of College in CCIE list-serve;
  11. Participate in the annual business meeting;
  12. Receipt of CCIE on-line monthly newsletter;
  13. Receipt to reports and publications prepared by CCIE experts;
CCIE will also support with:
  1. Front-end leading responses in crisis time
  2. On-demand Working Groups to address current and emerging issues in the field
  3. Policy and Legal issues summers related to International Students and Education Abroad
  4. Updates on advocacy that CCIE has been engaged at the national and state level to help support international educational activities in these fractious times.
  5. Future Project: State-Wide Study Abroad Fair
  6. Future Project: Workshop on Virtual Internationalization Programs
  7. Future Project: CCIE Support Network and Mentor Program: comprehensive internationalization

Corporate Membership Benefits

CCIE Sponsors

Membership in CCIE allows each corporate membership allows privileges and representation in the following CCIE activities:

  • ability to expand business among CCIE member colleges and indirectly to the 115 community colleges in the state
  • access to the 1.5 million community college students in the 115 community colleges in the state
  • access to a collaborative Network of Community Colleges and International education devoted to advancing international/intercultural education
  • access to all CCIE meetings and activities, as non-voting representatives
  • access to participate in CCIE thematic workshops and the Spring Conference at reduced rates
  • inclusion in CCIE list-serve
  • receipt of CCIE on-line monthly newsletter
  • receipt of the CCIE quarterly Directory of Study Abroad programs
  • inclusion of Logo on the CCIE Web-site
  • access to sponsor CCIE thematic workshops and the Spring Conference which includes free access to exhibit tables and ability to distribute literature in addition to half page adds in conference brochure.
  • exclusive access to CEO reception at the Spring CCIE conference (Reception paid for by CCIE)
  • logo included in the CCIE annual report that documents the individual activities of member colleges and which is shared with colleges and organizations throughout the state and nationally