CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

College Mission Statements

In March 2020, the mission, vision, and values statements for all the California community college districts underwent a content analysis to identify the following keywords: ‘international’, ‘global’, ‘world’, ‘equity’, ‘diversity’, and ‘access’. Please note that some colleges changed their mission statements in Fall 2020, the changes are not reflected here.

16 districts do not include the terms ‘global’, ‘international’, or ‘world’ in mission, vision, or in values statements.  Of these, 11 offer international student programs and 4 offer education abroad programs.  The lack of inclusion of specific words or phrases in policy despite offering international programming, points to a continued placing of international programming in a periphery role for without policy support, growth and continuity are often challenged (Raby, 1986; Raby, 2019; Whatley & Raby, 2020).

There are numerous ways in which internationalization is included in mission, vision, and values statements.  This points to the strong support for international education that contributes to California community colleges having among the most robust international programming in the country.


There are a number of districts that offer word combinations that are repeated in more than one district.

ever-changing global society (Butte-Glenn-Vision)

enabling all in the community co thrive in a changing global society (Barstow-Mission)

to succeed in a diverse global society by challenging them to think critically, to engage socially, and to acquire workplace knowledge and educational skills (Chabot-Las Positas-Mission)

students will be prepared to contribute as leaders to the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic vitality of our communities and the world (Hartnell-Vision)

diversity and Social Harmony: We value and embrace diversity and create opportunities for our college community to meet the challenges of a complex global society (Grossmont-Cuyamaca-Values)

providing quality education, services, and workforce training so that students become productive members of a diverse, sustainable, global society (Mt. San Antonio-Mission)

prepare for an multicultural world (Gavilan-Mission)

empowers students to be effective communicators, critical thinkers, and responsible world citizens (Cabrillo-Mission)

to be civically responsible global citizens (San Jose-Evergreen-Mission)

prepare students to become engaged citizens in our increasingly complex communities and world (San Luis Obispo-Mission)

promotes learning and success to prepare students to become critical thinkers and engaged life-long learners/global citizens (Southwestern-Mission)

be productive participants in the global community (Cerritos-Mission)

to achieve knowledge, skills and attitudes for . . . and meaningful life as a member of a global community (Glendale-Mission)

by advancing equity and inclusion, we prepare our diverse student population to lead and engage with local and global communities (Grossmont-Cuyamaca-Mission)

serves our local, regional, and global communities by promoting comprehensive learning, success, and life-changing opportunities (Lake Tahoe-Mission)

leading through Innovation – We respond to the changing needs of our communities in a global environment through continuous improvement and creative solutions. (Riverside-Values)

prepare students with the skills to function effectively in the global economy of the 21st century. (Kern-Mission)

advance the economic growth and global competitiveness of business and industry within our region. (Sequoias-Mission)

expanding communities the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary for success in the global economy. (Victor Valley-Vision)

appreciate the attributes, capabilities and differences of each individual and we

foster the social responsibility to create an inclusive institution that

supports the success of all students and provides them with a global perspective. (Butte-Glenn-Values)          

information competency, community and global awareness, self-efficacy, and workplace skills.(Shasta-Mission)

value diversity that supports Equal access for all students; Multi-ethnic global perspectives and cultural competencies; (Sonoma Co.-Values)

to inspire and transform lives in our local and global community. (Coast-Vision)

strengthen and increase strategic alliances and partnerships in local and global communities. (Coast-Shared Values)

be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world (Foothill/DeAnza-Mission)

civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice: Students will recognize their role as local, national, and global citizens (Foothill/DeAnza -Values)

college is recognized as integral to an inclusive, vibrant, and prosperous local, regional, and global community (Long Beach-Values)

increase engagement to the community and build partnerships with businesses, educational institutions and community organizations to effectively support students, enhance resources and provide high quality programs aligned with the local and global community, business and student needs (Pasadena-Values)

transform lives through education to positively impact our local and global community (Riverside-Vision)

address the broad educational needs of the local and world community (College of San Mateo -Mission)

students learn to contribute to the local and global community as they develop an understanding of their relationship to diverse social, cultural, political, economic, technological, and natural environments (Santa Monica-Mission)

While Sierra College is focused on our immediate service area and its surrounding communities, we welcome all students, whether from other parts of California, other states, or from outside the US (Sierra-Vision)

excellence for the students of Siskiyou County, the State of California, the nation and the world (Siskiyous-Mission)

first choice for higher education in the communities we serve and beyond (Siskiyous-Vision)

foster critical and reflective civic engagement and thoughtful participation in diverse local and global communities (Sonoma Co.-Mission)

promotes global, and community education programs (West Valley/Mission-Mission)

We are committed to helping our students achieve the learning outcomes necessary to contribute as individuals and global citizens living responsibly, effectively, and creatively in an interdependent and ever-changing world (Palomar)

provides students a diverse learning environment that inspires curiosity and discovery, promotes global responsibility, and fosters opportunity for all (Santa Barbara)

embraces diversity, fosters technical competencies, supports the development of global responsibility, and engages students and the community in scholarly inquiry, creative partnerships, and the application of knowledge (Santa Clarita)

empower them to meet and exceed challenges as active participants in shaping the future of our world (Citrus)

We will inspire participatory global citizenship grounded in critical thinking and an engaged, forward thinking student body (San Francisco)

build a socially conscious community where knowledge and respect empower individuals to transform our world (Santa Barbara)

Inclusive (sub-heading) – welcoming of a diverse group of students including but not limited to DSPS, EOPS, CalWORKS, International, Multicultural, various Economic Backgrounds, Distance Education, and Lifelong Learners; all with varying skill levels and learning styles(Chabot-Las Positas)

Goals: Enhance international educational learning opportunities for students, faculty, and staff (Coast)

Civic capacity for global, cultural, social and environmental justice (Foothill/DeAnza)

Innovation: work with our students to be creative, flexible, imaginative and inventive, and to prepare to contribute to a world that will demand skills and competencies not yet in view (Foothill/DeAnza)

Institutional Goals, 2014 – 2020- Objective 2.4:  Develop and implement a plan to increase the number of international students (Monterey Peninsula)

Values- 3.1 Service: We promote engaged and ethical participation in global, civil society.; 3.3 Adaptability: We respond to the changing needs of our communities in a global environment through continuous improvement and creative innovation (North Orange Co. CCD)

Respect the inter-relatedness of the global human environment, engage with diverse peoples, acknowledge the significance of their daily actions relative to broader issues and events (Santa Monica)

Sustainability/Global Awareness—Develop values and behaviors that respect the natural environment. Evaluate social justice issues and identify social responsibilities to elicit social change. Recognize the ethical implications of political, social, and economic institutions (Sierra)

The rapid growth of international education programs among California community colleges has coincided with the integration of support in college mission statements and other official documentation. The following refers to data obtained by member colleges

52% of CCIE colleges explicitly mention International Education in College Mission Statements.

48% of CCIE colleges have no reference to International Education in College Mission Statements.

15% of CCIE colleges explicitly mention International Education in all of the following: College Master Plan, Annual Priorities and Strategic Plans

30% of CCIE colleges do not refer to International Education in either College Master Plan, Annual Priorities or Strategic Plans


CHAFFEY: Mentions preparing our students for a diverse population.

CITRUS: “serve its diverse communities by providing a center for learning, cultural development and career education”

COAST CCD: A comprehensive and detailed description of International Education is a part of district and college mission policy statements. 5-year plan: Goals expand programs that address international and intercultural education. Explore the exchange of our faculty and students 

EL CAMINO: Not explicitly. Overall mission mentions “to offer quality comprehensive educational opportunities to its diverse community.”

FOOTHILL/DeANZA: In 1990, taking into account recommendations in AACJC’s “Building Communities: A Vision for a New Century”, and responding to the needs in our local area, the Foothill-DeAnza Board of Trustees revised the mission to clearly include a global focus. Revision was developed by a District committee and reads: “our mission rests on these assumed values: Foothill-DeAnza CCD is an organization of people for people, whose purpose is to serve students by… fostering intercultural and international understanding…. Our values and organizational principles give rise to these strategies:.. recruit students from all areas, among all groups in our community and internationally… Board of Trustees… serves as an advocate at local, state, federal and international levels; The Office of the Chancellor promotes effective communication among all segments of the District and its communities – local, state, federal and international; The colleges, as centers of in the instructional program, establish and maintain educational opportunities that promote a greater cultural understanding of the global community…. In view of the foregoing values, the district establishes the following priorities as the basis for determining what programs will be offered to the community:… serving international students here and abroad is an essential element of the District’s commitment to foster understanding and build global partnerships… The following examples illustrate the priorities numbered above: F-1 Visa Program and International Work Exchange Program. No specific mission inclusion for DeAnza College.

LOS RIOS CCD : “In our community and nationwide we distinguish ourselves by: a) Offering outstanding certificate, associate degree and transfer programs; b) Preparing students for transfer and careers in an international marketplace”

SAN ANTONIO: Preparing students for “global competitiveness” is mentioned.


Cypress: International and global education is inferred: “The purpose of the college is to provide students with the means for attaining their maximum potential through the development of intellectual, social and physical skills in a college atmosphere. All instructional divisions and support services of the college are coordinated to provide the students with individualized assistance in the attainment of their educational goals and personal growth. Well-educated students will be able to contribute to the betterment of the society by an active involvement in economic, social and democratic processes, based on an awareness of ethical values, an aesthetic appreciation of cultural life and an informed sense of history and contemporary civilizations.” Strategic Plan: One direction is entitled: “Campus Climate” It states: “Promoting a campus climate that embraces diversity and supports excellence, integrity, collegiality and inclusiveness.”

OHLONE: “Ohlone College: a world of cultural unity in learning”

PERALTA: Vista: Global education mentioned in Vision Statement which describes preparing students for world citizenship, promoting globalism/multicultural ism. Our plan includes building on Intercultural Studies program, since we already have an international trade program.

RIVERSIDE: Rewriting for 2005 and will be included.

SAN FRANCISCO: “are responsive to the needs of people from diverse ethnic, cultural, economic and educational backgrounds, including students with varying sexual orientations and disabilities. . . promote various dimensions of international education (Goal 8)”

SANTA ROSA: “To prepare our students for participation as citizens at the local, national and global levels … “


Reedley College: The mission of Reedley College is to offer an accessible student-centered educational environment which provides high quality, learning opportunities essential to meeting the challenges of a diverse, global community

State Center CCD: State Center CCD provides quality, innovative and accessible educational programs and services that enhance student learning and global citizenship


District: As stated in the SDCCD Principles & Priorities (2001-2005), one of the District’s guiding principles is to “to provide accessible, high quality learning opportunities that meet the diverse educational needs of learners from San Diego and global communities.” The same document includes a priority for “fostering a commitment to global education opportunities for students, faculty and staff.” The SDCCD’s current involvement in global and international education activities mirrors the California Community College’s Mission Statement for Economic and Workforce Development which is… “to advance California’s economic growth and global competitiveness through quality education and services focusing on continuous workforce improvement, technology deployment, and business development, consistent with the current needs of the state’s regional economies.”

San Diego Mesa: Global awareness is one of the Student Learning Outcomes for the Associate Degree adopted by the college. The Outcome reads: “Global Awareness: Ability to articulate similarities and contrasts among cultures, times and environments, demonstrating understanding of cultural pluralism and knowledge of global issues.”

VENTURA CCD: Oxnard: No – but is included in the College Philosophy/Value Statement in the student catalog: “We value change that leads to the development of innovative educational programs and services; as part of the interdependent global community.”

WEST VALLEY/ MISSION: Cited three times in the current strategic plan. Is in the “vision” brochure, but is not one of the objectives in the Balanced Curriculum Committee.

YOSEMITE CCD: Vision 2000 lists International Awareness as a major goal.

NO STATEMENT DETAILS: East Los Angeles: Los Angeles Pierce; Santa Barbara; Siskiyous

NOT LISTED AS PRIORITY: Compton; Glendale; Fullerton; Imperial Valley; Lake Tahoe; Long Beach; Napa; Pasadena; Saddleback CCD; Siskiyous


The following colleges include international education in their:

All Three – Master Plans, Annual Priorities & Strategic Plans: Citrus; Foothill; Ohlone; Rancho Santiago CCD; Santa Barbara; Santa Rosa

Master Plan: Coast CCD; Hartnell; LAPC; Monterey Peninsula; Vista; Riverside; San Diego District & City College; San Francisco; Santa Rosa; State Center CCD; Mission/WEst Valley CCD & Yosemite CCD

Annual Priorities: Chaffey; Coast CCD; Compton; Los Rios CCD; Mt. San Antonio; Cypress; Riverside; San Diego District & City College; San Francisco; Sierra; State Center CCD; Yosemite CCD;

Strategic Plan: Compton; Los Rios CCD; Mt. San Antonio; North Orange Co. CCD; San Diego District & Mesa College; Shasta; Sierra; Mission/West Valley CCD; Yosemite CCD;

Colleges that do not include international education in any college documents: Cabrillo; College of the Desert; De Anza; ELAC; El Camino; Fullerton; Glendale; Lake Tahoe; Long Beach; Napa; Pasadena; San Bernardio Valley; San Francisco; Siskiyous;  Solano; South Orange Co. CCD; Taft