CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

Internationalizing Curriculum

All disciplines (academic as well as technical) not only can, but should include international themes. Internationalizing the Curriculum, is the infusion and/or introduction of international perspectives and themes into existing or new classes through alteration of the curriculum, course activities and lecture focus. Curricular modifications assist staff and students to transcend their own cultural conditioning and to become more knowledgeable about and sensitive to other cultures. Professional development activities further promote creation of new modules, classes and programs, as well as introduce innovative teaching methodologies in the classroom. The ultimate in internationalized curriculum includes certificate and A.A. degree programs in international studies, multicultural studies, intercultural studies, international business and marketing studies, etc.

Internationalizing the curriculum has been a focus of community college international education programs nationally since the early 1970s. These programs are frequently supported by federal grants, such as Title VIa/b grants, but are also supported by the individual initiatives of each college. In California, since 1984, twenty CCIE member colleges have received Title VIa/b grants to internationalize their curriculum. Numerous others received other grants to achieve similar results. On many campuses, however, there are no established programs and faculty work on their own to internationalize their classes.

Please send updates to Dr. Rosalind Latiner Raby.

Many different programs exist that are designed to specifically assist community college faculty in internationalizing their curriculum. The growing number of California Community College faculty in these programs reflects the escalating interest in internationalization of the curriculum in our community college classes. During 2004 – 05 – 22 CCIE colleges participated in different domestic programs that specialized in teaching faculty how to internationalize their curriculum. 26 different faculty participated in these domestic programs.

INMP PROJECT: Using Technology to Internationalize the Curriculum

For information on participating in the 2006 INMP Project, please contact

American Council on Education’s and the Ford Foundation’s “Global Learning for All” Project



NAFSA Workshop and Regional Conferences:



Global Studies Online is an accredited, interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree that provides an understanding of the global social, political, economic and natural environments, plus the skills of critical thinking and analysis that are crucial for careers in the diplomatic service, business, security, and international development and humanitarian action.

This program is designed for persons who have completed two years of transferrable college credit and have satisfied the California Core General Education requirements or their equivalent.

The program provides:

  • High quality new, interdisciplinary courses
  • Web-based study accessible 24/7
  • Cohort enrollment, the most effective online learning method
  • California State University instructors

Courses offered as part of the program include:

  • Introduction to Global Studies
  • Global Dimensions of Business
  • Geography of the Global Economy
  • Global Climate Change
  • Global Mass Communications

The program offers help in finding internships and jobs after graduation. Those wishing further education may undertake an interdisciplinary MA in Global Studies at San Jose State University (SJSU) or at a number of other universities across the country.

For additional information about the program and how to apply visit our website at:

During 2004-2005, the following colleges had faculty that produced modules that internationalized elements of their courses.


World Cultures Modules used in Global Experience through Technology Project. The project links classes at ECC with Dinopropetrovsk National University (Ukraine); University of Modena in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and Lebanese Universit, Beirut (Lebanon) in real-time web-based video.

LAKE TAHOE: Humanities 191 A1: World Languages, Phrases, Foods and Facts


All college courses have been revised and now include international perspectives.


The District curriculum includes courses in the Behavioral Sciences, the Social Sciences, the Humanities, and Business that address international learning. More than 5,000 SDCCD course sections per year provide information on international perspectives and help students prepare for successful competition in the global marketplace. On a course-by-course basis, faculty members have been encouraged by their Deans to add global content to courses and to participate in Study Abroad and International Education Program activities. However, the challenge remains regarding how best to interest and motivate faculty to include international perspectives across all the different subject areas and integrate Global Student Learning Outcomes into their existing curriculum.  Over the last four years, three curricular changes have expanded student opportunities to increase global competencies. San Diego City College recently developed an International Studies Associate Degree and Liberal Arts, Option III, Associate Degree with an emphasis on Global/International Studies. Honors students also can earn a certificate in global studies. San Diego Mesa College currently offers “Certificates of Completion” in Global Cultures and in an International Studies. Miramar College has introduced new language courses in Tagalog and a cultural experience travel course entitled The Filipino-American Experience.

SAN FRANCISCO: With Asian-Infusion Grant changes were made in 15 courses

While it remains critical for individual classes across the curriculum to become internationalized, it is equally important for colleges to offer to their students basic courses that are international in orientation. Since 1990, the number of CCIE colleges that offer such courses is growing annually. Based on those colleges who responded to this section of the survey, the following itemizes the number of CCIE member colleges that offer such courses.

Cultural Anthropology: Offered at 69 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 42 colleges. 

Cultural Geography: Offered at 61 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 34 colleges. 

Ethnic Studies: Offered at 59 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 28 colleges. 

Non-European History: Offered at 58 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 37 colleges. 

International Business: Offered at 54 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 29 colleges. 

Non-European Humanities: Offered at 51 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 32 colleges. 

International Relations: Offered at 39 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 19 colleges. 

Multicultural Education: Offered at 38 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 15 colleges. 

Intercultural Communications: Offered at 37 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 18 colleges. 

International Studies: Offered at 24 colleges. In 2002, was only offered in 9 colleges.

Internationally themed Certificate and/or A.A. Degree Programs include a structured core of required classes, including foreign language, plus a selection of multi disciplinary electives that allows students to take a broad range of internationalized classes within many different disciplines, thereby exposing them to an array of knowledge upon which international literacy is eventually achieved. In California, these programs average twenty-one units, can be in an individualized department (i.e. international studies, intercultural communications, international business) but more frequently are part of an existing college department, typically business or political science. Many programs are supplemented by internationally infused general education classes, most involve selected general education courses which are required for graduation and nearly all offer classes that are transferable to universities. Although the number of colleges offering these types of programs are increasing, student participation remains limited.

During the 2004-2005 academic year the following were offered by CCIE member colleges:

9 A.A. Degree International Studies Programs

297 A. S. International Business Programs

5 Certificates in International Studies

32 Certificates in International Business

3 Certificates in Ethnic/Multicultural Studies

8 Certificates in Intercultural Studies

1 Certificates in Latin American Studies

AA International Studies Canada; Cerritos; Los Rios CCD; San Diego CCD; West Valley/Mission CCD

AS International Business Canada; Cerritos; Coast CCD; Foothill; LA Harbor; LA Pierce; Long Beach; Monterey Peninsula; Mt. San Antonio; Fullerton; Pasadena; Vista; Rancho Santiago CCD; Riverside; Irvine Valley; San Jose; Santa Barbara; San Diego CCD; Santa Monica; Ventura CCD; West Valley/Mission CCD

Certificate – International Studies Cerritos; Coast CCD; Lake Tahoe; Santa Barbara; Santa Rosa; West Valley/Mission CCD

Certificate – International Business Citrus; Coast CCD; Foothill; East LA; El Camino; Glendale; LA Pierce; Long Beach; Monterey Peninsula; Mt. San Antonio; Fullerton; Pasadena; Vista; Rancho Santiago CCD; Riverside; Irvine Valley; San Francisco; San Jose; Santa Barbara; San Diego CCD; Santa Monica; Santa Rosa; Ventura CCD; West Valley/Mission CCD

Certificate in Intercultural Studies: Coast CCD; DeAnza; Cypress; San Diego CCD;

Certificate in Ethnic Studies: Glendale; San Francisco; Solano;

Certificate in Latin American Studies Certificate: LA Pierce;