CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

About CCIE: Mission and Vision Statements

California community colleges have supported international education since the late 1960s. Since 1984, CCIE, California Colleges for International Education (CCIE), a non-profit consortia of California community colleges, has assisted faculty and staff to address issues related to international education. CCIE is a non-profit organization, which exists only through the efforts of its members. Your continued support helps maintain our viability.

Today, more than ever, international education is a central part of curricula, embedded in institutional missions, and contributor to student success towards completion, transfer, and graduation. An organization such as CCIE can and does play a central part in the development of new programs to support these efforts.

However, it is critical that all members are current with their dues. The dues support CCIE initiatives.

California Colleges for International Education is a consortium dedicated to the ideal of increasing international understanding through education and collaboration. The consortium helps support the growth of programs affiliated to international education: a) Faculty Exchanges; b) International Business; c) International Development/ Contract Education; d) International Students; e) Internationalizing the Curriculum; and f) Study Abroad. We work together to provide our students the opportunity to study abroad, improve foreign language acquisition and fluency, internationalize our curriculum, bring international students to our campuses and many other related International Education activities. In short, the work done by CCIE serves to support community colleges throughout California.

∙ Encourage development of an international perspective in community college classrooms
∙ Increase awareness of and encouragement in international development through technical education
∙ Promote opportunities for sharing of international/ intercultural expertise
∙ Support colleges in their comprehensive internationalization efforts
∙ Form liaisons between national organizations and consortia involved in international activities
∙ Provide an international and intercultural education resource body to the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges and Community College League of California (CCLC)

∙ Front-end leading responses in crisis time
∙ On-demand Working Groups to address current and emerging issues in the field
∙ Summaries of Policy and Legal issues related to International Students and Education Abroad
∙ Updates on advocacy that CCIE has been engaged at the national and state level to help support international educational activities in these fractious times.
∙ CCIE Newsletters and updates
∙ Institutional Grants: Awarded twice annually
∙ Faculty Grants: Asia Institute Faculty Grants
∙ Student Scholarships; Variety of scholarships for students are available
∙ Future Project: State-Wide Study Abroad Fair
∙ Future Project: Workshop on Virtual Internationalization Programs
∙ Future Project: CCIE Support Network and Mentor Program: comprehensive internationalization

International education is a vital component of the community college curricula and mission. The California International Education Policy Resolution (12kb) (2002), maintains and bolsters the quality of international education in California by encouraging higher education institutions to support programs relating to learning about different cultures, global issues, and promote the exchange of Californians and international students. It is commonly identified in California’s Education Code as Section 66015. CCIE has become the primary voice of international education in the state and is instrumental in bringing the Chancellor’s Office Global Education/ International Education programs to scale system wide.

44% of college mission statements mention International and/or Global Education
92% of colleges have at least one international education program
78% have offices for international education
Most every California community college supports at least one international program

Data from the US Department of Education, the American Council on Education and the Institute for International Education confirm the importance of international education for all forms of higher education, including the community college:
∙ 88% of American college students believe international education will give them a competitive edge in the workplace
∙ There are 174 international students who became founders or cofounders of US billion-dollar companies
∙ International students contribute more than $ 12.85 billion each year to the US economy
∙ The Total Contribution to the U.S. economy makes international students the 4th largest services sector export.
∙ More than 70% of Americans believe that US colleges and universities should require students to take a foreign language or study abroad
∙ 86% of American college students believe having international students on campus enriches their own learning experiences
∙ 8 CCIE Member Colleges Rank in the top 20 for International Student Programs in 2020 Open Doors
∙ 16 CCIE Member Colleges Rank in the top 40 for International Student Programs in 2020 Open Doors
∙ 20,882 international students studied California community colleges in 2019-2020 academic year.
∙ 5 CCIE Member Colleges Rank in the top 10 and 11 in the top 20 for Education Abroad in 2020 Open Doors
∙ 2,835 students studied abroad in 2019-2020 academic year.
∙ CCIE Member colleges receive more than half of all Gilman Scholarships granted to community colleges

CCIE hosts a series of activities for 2022-2023 that are open to members who are current with their dues. For a complete listing please visit

To receive the CCIE monthly newsletter and to be on our e-mail listserv, please contact Rosalind Raby at [email protected]