CCIE – California Colleges for International Education


FPP EDU Media is a family owned company from Brazil which was founded 20 years ago in Sao Paulo.  Our organization specializes in assisting education providers with recruiting international students from around the world through our tours, expos, virtual fairs and digital solutions.  This year we have been invited to serve as a sponsor for California Colleges for International Education (CCIE). Through several conversations with Rosalind and members of this consortium, we learned that we may be able to leverage our resources to help your member schools further expand and diversify their international student enrollments.

FPP has been hosting High School Tours in Brazil focused solely on Community Colleges.  These target high school graduates who are mostly likely to be interested attending community colleges.

Our leadership team at FPP has come up with some creative solutions to serve the community college during this pandemic.  We are offering virtual recruitment events and even a virtual transfer fair platform.  We know that each fall community colleges host dozens of universities on their campuses for in person transfer fairs.  We happen to have a virtual platform which community colleges could use for free.  This will allow them to host universities and students virtually taking the planning and expense out of the equation.

For registration: Community College Virtual Transfer Fair:

Michael Maine, Regional Director U.S.A.