If you are interested in supporting CCIE contact:
Rosalind Latiner Raby, Ph.D.
Director, California Colleges for International Education
Phone: (818) 882-9931
FAX: (818) 882-9837
Email: [email protected]
Inclusion in CCIE list-serve for all emails and CCIE online Monthly Newsletter Listing of company name in the CCIE Online Corporate Membership Directory Access to all CCIE business meetings, as non-voting representatives
Everything Above + Listing of company name, small logo, address, email, phone/fax and a 50 word description in the CCIE Online Corporate Membership Directory. Web-link (text only) off any one of the CCIE web-pages (i.e. study abroad, international students, internationalizing curriculum, international development, etc.) Listed (text only) in CCIE online Monthly Newsletter Receipt of the CCIE quarterly Directory of Study Abroad programs Sponsor Invitation to CCIE workshops and conference which includes 1 free registration
Everything Above + Large Logo in addition to text link in the CCIE Online Corporate Membership Directory Web-link (small logo) off any one of the CCIE web-pages (i.e. study abroad, international students, internationalizing curriculum, international development, etc.) Small Logo link in CCIE online Monthly Newsletter Inclusion in the annual CCIE Sponsor's article for the CCIE online Monthly Newsletter Sponsor Invitation to CCIE workshops and conference which includes 1 free registration and access to distribute literature
Everything Above + Large Logo along with text link in the membership directory Large Logo link off any one of the CCIE web-pages (i.e. study abroad, international students, internationalizing curriculum, international development, etc) Monthly Column to be included in the CCIE online Monthly Newsletter Listed (name and logo) supporter of the CCIE Spring Conference VIP invitation to CCIE workshops and conference which includes 2 free registrations and logo on workshop/conference brochures
Everything Above + Name (text only) off the homepage Large Logo listed in CCIE online monthly newsletter 25% discount on CCIE membership list Display Table at the CCIE Spring Conference (2006)
PATRONS $10,000
Everything Above + Small Logo link off the homepage 50% discount on CCIE membership list Text listing on CCIE Brochure Display Table at all CCIE activities Scholarship Fund listed in corporate name
DONORS $15,000
Everything Above + Large Log link off the homepage Full access to CCIE membership list Exclusive access to CEO reception at the Spring CCIE conference Logo listing on CCIE Brochure
Everything Above + Representative on the Advisory Council Invitation to the Annual Advisory Council meeting Large Logo link on two the CCIE web-pages (i.e. study abroad, international students, internationalizing curriculum, international development, etc.) Special sponsors of CCIE Student Scholarships, Faculty Grants and/or other CCIE activities Listed Corporate Member on all printed CCIE materials Other private invitations and opportunities