CCIE – California Colleges for International Education


Amended by Membership November 14, 2002

The Name of the organization shall be California Community Colleges for International Education

It shall be the purpose of California Community Colleges for International Education to encourage and promote international education and related areas of inquiry and activity. Specifically, CCIE shall:

a) increase awareness of and encouragement in international development through academic and technical education;
b) promote opportunities for sharing international/intercultural expertise;
c) form liaisons among other state, national and international organizations and consortia involved in international education activities;
d) encourage faculty and student participation in international education activities;
e) develop an international perspective in community college classrooms;
f) support and help form collaboration in student study abroad programs, faculty exchange programs, international development programs, international student programs and international curriculum programs.
g) encourage exchanges as a form of educational and cultural transmission
h) promote and foster understanding of how educational policies and programs can improve social and economic development.
i) serve as a resource for the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community colleges.

College / Institutional Membership
Membership in the CCIE shall be open to all community colleges and community college district office located within the State of California.
Corporate Membership
Corporate membership is open to businesses/companies/corporations providing logistics for study abroad programs and international student programs. Corporate membership is also open to International Business/ Companies/Corporations and
Chambers of Commerce interested in international workforce training and development and in sponsoring international faculty and student internships. Additionally, professional associations interested in international certification of workforce skill may also become corporate members.

Membership becomes effective on payment of dues and extends to the end of the academic year. The membership year is July 1 – June 30.

1. By becoming a college/institutional member, the college and/or district agrees that participants in CCIE cooperative study abroad programs shall be according to CCIE Guidelines on study abroad programs
2. By becoming a college/institutional member, the college and/or district agrees that participation in CCIE encourages cooperative assistance in all International Education Programs.

1. Membership in CCIE allows each dues paying institution, (college or district office), to have voting privileges and representation in all CCIE activities.
2. Members of full status shall be entitled to:
a) ability to vote in all elections and to enjoy other rights and privileges accord to all members
a) access of CCIE Website and inclusion of college / institution in Website
b) access to a collaborative network of community colleges who are devoted to international / intercultural education
c) access to CCIE Annual CEO Global Competence Summit supported by CCLC and AACC.
d) access to CCIE thematic workshops at reduced rates
e) access to the CCIE International Negations Modules Project (INMP) and to the UCLA Title VI Community College Leadership Seminars at a reduced rate
f) access to technical assistance team on global competence and its development on community college campuses
g) eligibility for CCIE faculty and staff grants
h) eligibility for CCIE student scholarships
i) eligibility for officer positions
j) inclusion in CCIE annual reports that documents the individual activities of member colleges and which is shared with colleges and organizations throughout the state and nationally
k) inclusion of College in CCIE list-serve
l) participate in the annual meeting
m) receipt of CCIE glossy paper biannual Newsletter that will include profiles of individual college programs and individuals in the field and highlights of special topics
n) receipt of CCIE on-line monthly newsletter
o) receipt of the CCIE Reference Manual and quarterly Directory of Study Abroad Programs
p) receipt to reports and publications prepared by CCIE experts
q) reduced CCIE conference and workshop registration fees
3. Members of full status agree to collaboration on non-competing study abroad programs

1. Members shall open its programs to the students of other CCIE members.
2. Members shall assume responsibility for the instructional programs offered to all students enrolled with that institution.
3. A CCIE member college may participate in a program of another CCIE member college in one or more of the following ways:
a. Announce the program in schedules and other official publications.
b. Send students to enroll with the other CCIE member institution to enable participation in a specific program that is not offered at their own institution.
c. Receive students from another CCIE member institution to enable participation in a specific program that is offered at their own institution.
d. Provide an instructor, advisor, guide, or person to serve in assistant capacity.
4. A CCIE member college shall include a statement in all publications identifying collaboration efforts.
5. CCIE member colleges that are involved in collaboration efforts should include a statement in all publications stating that the sponsoring institution assumes responsibility for the instructional program. For program using travel contractors, it should be stated that logistical arrangements are the responsibility of that travel contractor.

1. Membership in CCIE allows each corporate membership allows privileges and representation in the following CCIE activities:
a) ability to expand business among the 109 community colleges in the state
b) access to the 1.5 million community college students in the 109 community colleges in the state
c) access to CCIE annual CEO global competence summit supported by CCLC and AACC.
d) access to a collaborative Network of Community Colleges and International education devoted to advancing international/intercultural education
e) access to all CCIE meetings and activities as non-voting representatives
f) access to CCIE thematic workshops at reduced rates
g) access to the CCIE Annual Spring Conference at reduced rates that includes free access to exhibit tables and ability to distribute literature in addition to half page adds in conference brochure.
h) Access to training for employees on international intercultural skills brokered by local colleges and provided through the CITDs – centers for International Training and Development / EdNet.
i) exclusive access to CEO reception at the Spring CCIE conference (Reception paid for by CCIE)
j) inclusion in CCIE list-serve
k) Inclusion in CCIE annual report that documents the individual activities of member colleges and which is shared with colleges and organizations throughout the state and nationally
l) invitation to be included in technical assistance team on global competence and its development on community college campuses
m) Receipt of CCIE on-line monthly newsletter
n) receipt of CCIE glossy paper bi-annual Newsletter that will include profiles of individual college programs and individuals in the field and highlights of special topics.
o) receipt of reports and publications prepared by CCIE experts
p) receipt of the CCIE Reference Manual and quarterly Directory of Study Abroad programs

1. Members of full status are required to:
a) identify all individuals who are associated with different aspects of international education.
b) identify a single individual who becomes the CCIE representative. This individual will speak on behalf of the campus / organization.
c) disseminate CCIE materials in a timely fashion to all departments within the college / district or organization.
Agree to attach router slip so that information can be shared.
b) return the CCIE annual survey in a timely manner
c) pay CCIE annual dues in a timely manner

1. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of one representative, designated by each member college or district
1. Each college is to have a CCIE representative designated by the CEO who will be responsible for disseminating information to all departments and all colleges within that membership.
2. This representative will be required to send an update of status with their annual dues.
3. Each college may have an alternative representative(s). However, this person(s) will not receive mailings directly from CCIE. A procedure for sharing information must be the sole responsibility of the member institution. All contacts can be listed on the CCIE list-serv.
4. Corporate Members may attend Board of Directors Meetings as non-voting members.

1. The board of Directors shall establish policy and procedures for California Colleges for International Education.
2. The Board shall also implement policy and procedures, conduct business, evaluate and approve cooperative activities and crate subcommittees as needed.

1. The Officers of the Board of Directors shall be the elected General officers. (See Article V, Section A,1.)

1. The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be governed by Article VII of these bylaws

1. General Officers
A. President
B. Treasurer
C. Director

2. Regional Officers – two from each category
a. Vice President, North
b. Vice President, South

1) At the first Officer’s Meeting, the Vice-Presidents will choose a specific duty for which they will be responsible. At each subsequent meeting, they will report on activities conducted in their individual area.

1. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President at the Spring Officers Conference Call of election year. This committee shall convene no later than March of each election year.
2. The Committee shall be composed of the Director and two representatives from each of the sections.
3. The Committee shall solicit nominations and prepare a slate of officers to be submitted to the membership.
4. The term of the committee expires upon completion of its task.

1. Officers shall be selected by majority of votes cast by e-mail ballot to entire membership.
All elections shall be coordinated on one ballot submitted to the member colleges between April-June of each election year that will be sent electronically. Officers will keep their elected position for a two-year term.

1. The President Shall:
A. Act as chief administrative officer of CCIE.
B. Represent and speak for the organization to other organizations and to the public.
C. Preside at business meetings and appoint committees.
D. Sign letters and documents necessary to carry out the will of the organization.
E. Serve as chairman of the Executive committee
F. Appoint one of the Vice-Presidents to serve in the absence of the President.

2. The Treasurer Shall:
A. Be responsible for the collection, safekeeping and expenditure of all funds of the organization.
B. Maintain accurate financial records.
C. Maintain accurate and current membership list.
D. Make reports to the membership and to the Executive committee.

3. The Director Shall:
a. Maintain a record of minutes of all meetings.
b. Maintain records and history of CCIE.
c. Assist in the preparation of agendas for the general and Executive committee meetings.
d. Work with College Office and oversee for mailing of all notices of meetings, proposals and ballots, annual survey, annual report, monthly Newsletter, Brochure, List-serv and Web-page
e. Carefully record wording of all motions.

4. All Vice-Presidents will:
a) Assume duties of the President in the absence of the President (alternate basis).
b) Call sectional meetings.
c) Preside at sectional meetings.
d) Serve on the Executive Committee.
e) Maintain dialogue with all CCIE and non-CCIE colleges within their geographic region
f) Each Vice-President will assume one of the following roles:
1) Publicity: a) oversee reporting of CCIE activities to a) State Chancellor and State Board of Governors; b) CCLC Newsletter; c) other newsletters; and d) get CCIE representatives as panelists on state-wide conferences.
2) Community Liaison: a) maintain dialogue with all UC and CSU study abroad offices and report on dialogue once each semester; b) maintain dialogue with other community groups and report on dialogue once each semester.
3) State Consortia Liaison: a) maintain dialogue with other international organizations in the state, i.e. CITD, NCAGE, NCCCCIE etc. and report on dialogue once each semester; b) maintain dialogue with other state organizations and report on dialogue once each semester.
4) Chancellor’s Office Liaison: a) maintain dialogue with the State Chancellor’s office and report on dialogue once each semester.


1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Treasurer, Director and Sectional Vice-Presidents.

1. The Executive committee shall conduct the business of the consortium between meetings of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall implement policy of the board of Directors, develop and implement procedures required to carry out policy, approve cooperative activities of consortium members with each other or with other agencies, approve applications for grants promote the activities of the consortium, and create subcommittees as necessary. The actions of the Executive Committee must always be reported to the membership.

1. A Quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority.

1. The CCIE Shall hold an annual meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Community College League of California.
2. Additional general meetings shall be called at the discretion of the President or upon written request of three member colleges.
3. Member colleges may send voting replacements to meetings or may sign proxy votes by written notice in advance of meetings they cannot attend.
4. Each dues paying members college shall be entitled to one vote.
5. The president officer shall vote only to make or break a tie.
6. A Quorum at a general meeting shall be 15% of the membership.

1. Regional meetings shall be called at least once a year.
2. Regional meetings shall be called by the Sectional Vice President
3. Reports of sectional meetings shall be sent to the Executive Committee.
4. A quorum shall e 15% of sectional membership.

1. The CCIE Has the authority to assess dues to cover operating expenses.
2. Dues assessment must be approved by a majority of votes cast by mail ballot to the general membership.

1. All meetings of the CCIE and its sections shall be governed by the Sturgis Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
2. If there be any conflict between the Bylaws and the Code, the Bylaws take precedence.

A. AMENDMENTS may be proposed in writing by a member institution at any time.
1. Amendment to this agreement may be proposed to the President, by any member institution at any time.
2. Proposed amendments shall be discussed at the annual meeting or a special meeting.
3. When approved by a majority vote of all member colleges, an amendment shall become effective.
4. A copy of the amended agreement shall e sent to each member institute by the Executive Secretary within 30 days of approval.
B. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority of votes cast on a mail ballot submitted to member colleges.
C. Copies of revised Bylaws incorporating the adopted amendment shall be sent to member colleges within 30 days.

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a framework for member colleges to offer the highest quality of study abroad programs in accordance with State Law and the Education Code of the State of California.

1. Study Abroad: Any college credit, non-credit, or community services class taught outside the State of California
2. Sponsoring Institution: A consortium member that organizes, supervises and is responsible for study abroad program.
3. Cooperating Institution: a consortium member that participates in a study abroad program offered by a sponsoring institution.

Each member college and/or district shall prepare a policy on study abroad programs that includes but is not limited to:
1. An established, written procedure to select college sponsored study abroad classes and/or instructors that may include personal interview of applicants.
2. A procedure fore evaluation and selection of travel contractor/operators.
3. A procedure for adequate supervision and administration of programs.
4. Evaluation of instructors and programs.
5. A policy regarding financial aid for qualified students.
6. Guarantees of academic integrity for college credit classes.
7. Guarantees that no more State apportionments may be claimed than if the class was taught on campus (maximum of one unit per week and 20 hours WSCH per unit per student).
8. Procedures of enrolling in a study abroad program.

Each college and/or district shall have authority to designate a person who coordinates, supervises or in other ways represents the study program of that college and/or district.

Consortium members will endeavor to offer programs to students at the lowest possible costs, without sacrificing academic, instructional and logistical quality.