CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

CCIE DUES FOR 2024 – 2025

CCIE Invoice 2024-25 Dues

Please pay your CCIE Dues. This is how we get money for scholarships, faculty grants, institutional grants, and other activities we have planned for the future.

CCIE wants to remind all our members that, now, more than ever, it is important to pay your dues. CCIE dues are collected on the academic year – July 1 – June 30. It is critical that every member be current with their dues in order for CCIE to continue to support activities such as the Newsletter, Web-Page listing and Institutional Grants, Faculty Grant, and Student Scholarships. CCIE does appreciate the effort that all of you are doing to help support international education at our colleges. However, advocacy needs to continue on many levels, and support of CCIE is central in this process.

Thank you all for processing your dues!

CCIE dues help support our activities such as the Newsletter, Web-Page, Workshops, and Student Scholarships and Faculty Grants. CCIE gives each of you our sincere thanks for your continued support for CCIE.

Please Support CCIE With Your Active Participation!

Membership Benefits –