CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

Fully Funded Opportunity for Community Colleges – CIBER Consortium For Education Abroad (CC/FEA)

Calling all Community Colleges!

Community Colleges are invited to apply for the CIBER Consortium For Education Abroad (CC/FEA)Participation is FREE. The fully funded initiative is designed to increase the capacity for community colleges to develop education abroad programs and a workforce with a global perspective by providing comprehensive, wraparound support.   

A team of 2-4 administrators and faculty for your school will have the opportunity to participate in a series of webinars, workshops, and networking meetings, and to receive mentoring support from an experienced practitioner. These events will introduce you to resources and community college peers who will assist your team to create and implement a strategic action plan to increase education abroad programming at your institution. In addition, you school will receive free membership to The Forum on Education Abroad for 18 months! The combined elements of CC/FEA equate to approximately $5,000 in value, with additional discounts available for optional professional development opportunities.

You can read more about the program, see the schedule, and apply here. 

The application deadline is November 15th