CCIE – California Colleges for International Education


Dear CANIE Member,

Per the CANIE bylaws, our Annual General Meeting requires a minimum of 10% of our Membership to acheive quorum.  We did not receive sufficient registrations for the AGM to reach quorum for the meeting on June 12/13th. 

Our bylaws state that we can push the meeting one week in hopes of achieving quorum, and if quorum is not acheived, we may proceed without it.  So with that, the new date for the AGM is the same day and time, just one week later. Register Here!

As CANIE has grown significantly in the last year, this is an exciting opportunity for us to reach out to the CANIE membership (if you have a CANIE account on the website, that makes you a member!) and remind you that your voice matters and the AGM is an exciting opportunity for you to hear from the CANIE Leadership and vote on any motions that will be put forward. Please note, the board elections are separate from the AGM.

Register for the AGM Here

We hope the following information will provide you more insight on what to expect at the AGM given that it is a challenging time for many. 

Jun 19, 2023 1:30 PM PST
Jun 19, 2023 10:30 PM CET
Jun 20, 2023 06:30 AM AEST

Agenda Items:

  • President’s Report
  • Update on Board Nomination Process
  • Vote on Motions Presented

Links from Previous Emails:

We look forward to seeing you there, and appreciate you making the time given the global nature of the meeting.

The CANIE Leadership Team


One Last Chance to Register for the AGM!