CCIE – California Colleges for International Education

Designing a New Program

Study Abroad and Credit Pay

Study Abroad faculty at some community colleges get paid the amount of pay as if they were teaching the course on campus and follow all other rules regarding how that pay is computed for their particular instructional divisions.

Some colleges hire host country faculty to teach courses abroad. In that case, they are treated as a regular adjunct faculty member and run their credentials through the college’s in-house Faculty Senate procedures that determine equivalencies and ability to teach subjects. They get paid the hourly rate based on the college’s pay scale for adjuncts. Since they do not have a Social Security Number, they get paid by means of a Personal Service Agreement.

Some college have a Director for each program that is offered abroad. That individual is paid the equivalent of 3 units of pay for lecture. If there are more than 1 faculty teaching (i.e. 3 class, 3 faculty) then the units are split. However, each faculty is required specific duties while abroad in terms of supervision, availability, logistics etc. There is no monetary compensation for work done prior to the trip as that is considered part of the faculty’s commitment to recruit and make the program happen.

Some colleges pay their faculty in terms of length of time abroad. 1 week course would receive 1 unit of pay; 2 weeks, 2 units of pay; 3 weeks or more, 3 units of pay.


Providers, Travel Agents

According to the Professional and Business Code in California:

Provider provides all travel/logistical arrangements and the college provides the instruction. The Business held by the Provider should hold a set amount of money in liability insurance. Best practice suggests $ 2million (although some colleges have $ 10 – $ 15 million as their minimum). In addition, the college should be named as co-insured and it should be specified that any lawsuits will be adjudicated in the U.S. and not in the other country.